Wednesday, May 15, 2013

And The Pressure is On...

It's survival mode now. I've not gone grocery shopping in almost a month now so as to use up the food in my refrigerator and in my cupboards before it goes to waste and before I spend more $$ than I have to. 

A week ago I ran out of milk and eggs, bread, peanut butter, and every other normal thing one might keep in their fridge. Last night's supper was celery and two apples. So healthy! 

However, seeing as I'm doing supper with some people this week as well as baking a few things, I finally broke down and replenished my eggs and milk. 

I've spent the last 2 full days (Monday and Tuesday) editing a paper, which finally cut down to only 7 pages. (Go me!). Once I had that turned in a little after 9pm I looked up my next writing assignment and whilst sorting out the details of inventing and proposing a model for development with full inclusion of graphs and inputs and outputs and so on and so forth, I had a slight break down and I think my brain turned off right then and there. I looked over at my roommate who was also not much excited about the projects she was working on and gladly shut down her computer and my suggestion of a shopping adventure, to at least get out of the house. 

So that's what we did and upon our return shortly after 10pm, I concluded that my brain truly was not going to function well and excused myself to sleep. 
I should have attempted something more, apparently, as the overwhelming stress refused me to rest until at least one in the morning and I awakened at exactly 6am not feeling much rested at all. 
I somehow convinced my body to sleep at least one hour more (though not especially well) and so I took my time getting ready for work. 

I had made coffee the day before and chilled it to be ice coffee for today. I made sure my 20oz water bottle was washed and ready as I knew a large amount of coffee for the day was quite in order. 
Unfortunately I'd failed to pay attention or monitor my coffee consumption during yesterday's writing frenzy and was quite saddened to find the coffee only amounted to about 6oz and left my lovely bottle looking quite empty. I had not the time, at that point, to make any more and thus a little milk was added to psych myself into thinking I was drinking more than I was. 

Fortunately for me, there were only five young toddlers in need of a watchful eye and so not much energy was required. In fact, when their child's stories got boring I switched over to reading them my clinical psychology notes, and hoped they wouldn't notice that it didn't quite have the same rhyming scheme as the previous books on colors and shapes and brown colored apes. 
...They listened to me read 5 or 6 slides before they became caught up in the play plastic fruits and airplanes on wheels.
No matter, they were well enough behaved and my clinical psych got more attention than I could have hoped. I even managed to take 3 practice tests (there were other workers present as well) and nothing too eventful transpired beyond looking up to see that every last book had been pulled from the bookshelf and there were puzzles dumped out on top of the books. 

This post, obviously, is an other procrastination of my model proposal. It's due in 24hrs and 13 minutes from now. :/ I wouln't worry too much if I didn't know how much I need to study clinical. 
*sigh* I suppose I'll read my cross-linguistics differences paper in hopes of sparking an idea for a proposal. 

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