Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer Lovin'

I just happened to look out the window and notice that it's cloudy all the sudden. That, of course, prompted me to check the weather and I was so terribly delighted to see flash flood warnings and a gorgeous green and red mass on the radar making its way over Iowa City.

*sigh* I love a rainy sunday afternoon. Perfect napping weather, in my opinion. 

I have no plans today. I have no homework, no pressing deadlines, no stresses. What a blessing! 

It makes me excited for when I graduate so that this may be my state of mind every Sunday after church. I mean, I know life never stops having stressful moments cropping up, but the fact that it's not a week to week battle brings me much joy. 

Yesterday I went to the beach with my sister and two of our close friends. That was such a delight! Relaxing and perfect. Today whilst my mind wandered a bit in church I randomly thought how I need to be reading my Bible more, especially when I have more free time. Which led to the thought of, "But... that means I should probably not spend time at the beach any more" (Sad face). 

And then in an instant I remembered I have a waterproof Bible. Wooot!! Take that Satan's discouragement! I'ma read mah Bible at the beach and I'ma baptize it in Lake McBride. 

I wish summer time lasted forever. 

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