Monday, November 11, 2013

The Life of a College Student:Journal Entry No. 1

Today is crunch day and we're 6 hours into it. 

12:02pm on Monday the 11th of November. 


To do by THURSDAY:

Take 2 more quizes


Write an 8 page paper on how stress effects your health.. CAN I JUST WRITE ABOUT HOW UNHEALTHY SCHOOL IS FOR EVERYONE??? That paper is due in 3 days and I don't have anything more than the topic picked out. By the time I get around to it... I might have a few words of snark and sarcasm to flavor the thing. Stress, man. 

Find a time to meet up with elusive classmates for group presentation and figure out who is doing what for the 15 minute presentation. Oh my goodness I do not have time to meet with people this week :/ We present on Thursday, though.. so maybs we should figure that out before then.. 

Write and turn in 3 homework assignments due TOMORROW. 

-----shoot me now------

Coffee consumption level: 6 cups

Water consuption:2 cups

Current drink of choice: I asked for a cup of hot water to keep my hands warm while studying in this INSANELY COLD coffee shop I'm drinking it because I'm thirsty and too settled in to get up and get cold water. 


Let's also add trying to fit in work tomorrow and Wednesday. I can do this right??  Yeah? I'll work that in there some how some way. 


My study guide is now 13 pages. It so far covers 1 1/2 lectures. 

There are 8 lectures total. I'm gonna run out of paper. 


Also, thoughts while being an overwhelmed college student, my kidney is gettin' it's workout today.
When people find out I only have one kidney they're always like, "Oh! So you drink a lot of water all the time, right??" 

Uhmm... water that has coffee in it. Does that count?

Except today. I drinked my cold water and now my two cups of hot water. And I'm only half-way through the day. Maybes if I pace myself I can end up drinking all those 8 glasses of water they recommend. I'm really bad at drinking water. Except when I'm stressed. I drink waterever is in front of my in insane amounts when I'm stressed because it's an excuse to put my pen down for a second. 


The hot water at Java House tastes kinda funny when it gets cold. 

Maybe it's like the concession stands where the water we use for hotchocolate is actually really nasty and an odd color and then we just add hot cocoa mix so people don't know what the water we used for it looked like for real. Only this water is clear. So maybe it's not that bad. It just tastes funny. 

But then again, Iowa City draws their water out of the river from a plant that is downstream of a sewage plant. Why do they do that? So much nasty. 

There are a lot of old people who have coffee dates. Cute. 

Also! The man behind the counter has an incredibly shiney head. Or maybe my contacts are starting to stick to my eyeballs. 

And who knew shiney wasn't a real word. It's not because it autocorrected and when I looked up the spelling in a dictionary, no results were found. Hmm... Shine is a word though. Just not shiney. 


I took a 2hr nap 5pm-7pm. 

I'm still working on that study guide. 5 lectures out of 8 and 21 pages. 

I ate a can of tuna and an orange for supper. I need to buy or make bread or something. 


It snowed today. That was pretty. I like snow a lot. It's cold though. I realized that I bought a car but not an ice scraper to go with my car. :/ Credit cards, yo. They make good ice-scrapers. 


I love my cornbag a lot. So warm. So cozy. 


I ate a tomato like an apple. It was delightful. 

Also, I'm starting to fade a little. I just have a little bit more to go before calling it a night and hitting the books again in the morning. *sigh* It might as well be finals week. Maybe. Gosh. Idk. I skipped my favorite class tonight and that makes me a little sad. 


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