Wednesday, December 11, 2013

25 Things About College

Twas the week before finals and all through the house
not a creature was resting, no, not in this house.
With stress baring down and not a brain cell to spare
With textbooks and note books strewn every where

We're all cramming knowledge into our heads
But wishing we could be snug in our beds

...... I could keep going, but you get the point. 

I have a final tomorrow at 11am. Yay!! I need to study. :/ I have terrrrrible motivation for studying. Studying is the bane of my existence. I hate studying...always. 
Thank goodness this is the last of it. 

I braved the snow storm on Sunday to make to the bookstore 20 minutes before closing so that I could buy a tassel for my graduation hat. It was the last day to buy one and I totally regretted that decision as I skidded and fishtailed my way across town in the snow. No worries, I made it there and back in one piece AND I procured a tassel. Yay!

So... here we are! My LAST WEEK of undergrad classes!!! PRAISE THE LORD I MADE IT!!! 
I feel like college is a bit like being stuck in a rock tumbler for 4 years. And then you just pop out all shiny and polished after having been knocked around for a good long while. GRANTED, there's a lot more polishing to go as far my life is concerned, but I learned a few things along the way. 

Mostly, I learned some pretty deep life lessons that everyone else must come to learn on their spoilers! I'm not going to tell you. ;) BUT!

I learned some important things too... which might be helpful for YOU to know ahead of time.

1) Free Laundry is basically one of the best things known to man. 

2) Stolen....err BORROWED dinner trays from the dining hall make EXCELLENT sledding material. 

3) Loose change is wealth and value and hot commodity when it comes to parking down town. Treasure it and guard it with all your being.

4) If someone wears a Buddy the Elf costume to a snowball fight, throw all your snow at him. 

5) If you walk in the rain with pants that have hems that touch the ground kind of, you WILL be soaked up to your knees within 10 minutes. 

6) If one day, you are sitting alone under a tree and a friend walks by and invites you to come join a fraternity with him, do it. While you may end up getting blind-folded and taken somewhere else and then find yourself in an dark room where strangers are standing with candles and reading out of some rituals book and asking you to swear an oath of loyalty and secrecy, and then you have to stand in a circle holding hands and singing songs of the brotherhood... you may end up, actually, laughing to tears once escaping from such an adventure. Plus they give you a sweet little pin as a token of your membership. (BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE OMG!)

7) If you accidently get vammoozled into joining a fraternity and don't attend the meetings and they ask you to maybe give the little pin back, keep it. You went through a whole satanic induction for that thing. PLUS, how will people ever believe you if you don't have it?? It'll be a conversation piece for years to come.

8) Showers were overrated in high school. 

9) One can of black beans is only 68 cents and you can TOTALLY get 2 meals out of it AT LEAST. 

10) If you find that you have managed to consume 16lbs of peanut butter in 6 weeks, you probably should maybe consider eating more than just peanut butter for every. single. meal. 

11) Socks can get crunchy if you are choosing to forgo your showering and thus not even taking off your socks for a couple days... Don't do that. Change your socks. 

12) If you are missing your socks, they're in your bed. 

13) If you have a headache at 2 in the afternoon, you didn't drink enough coffee that morning. 

14) Finger painting is one of the best evening activities when you are stressed

15) If you only have one kidney, you should probably try to keep your coffee consumption under 8 cups a day. (Water is a healthy alternative)

16) Try to take out your contacts at LEAST once a month. When they start stickin' to your eyeballs is a good indication you're a little over due for that

17) If you think your professor's hair looks like a mad scientist exploded something and then stood in front of a high powered fan... write it on his evaluation. I'm sure he'd like it. 

18) You can fit at least 8 people in a 5 passenger Buick if you utilize the spaciousness of the trunk. 

19) If you play Candy Crush while your classmates give a boring presentation, you might miss the part where they start convulsing into a seizure while everyone else freaks out.

20) Sit by strangers. You can collect new friends that way. 

21) If you make it a habit of introducing yourself to the classmate next to you and then asking them how their day has been, your classmates might become a little competitive for the seat next to you. :D Again with the friend collecting...easy peasy. 

22) Even if it *is* easier to just hold the onion or the apple or the tomato in one hand and cut it up with the knife in the other, your left hand isn't as solid and un-cut-able as a cutting board, don't use it like one. 

23) Super glue will fix any thing, even cuts from using your hand as a cutting board.

24) If you are in a really introverted mood and plan on taking an outdoor elevator to avoid a large hill and then happen to see a professor lookin' 30 year old guy headed towards the same elevator, if you walk a little bit faster and happen to make it there first and you turn around to hit the "Shut door" button, you may be amused to see him slipping through the snow whilst trying to run to catch that very elevator. And there is something to be said about the evil satisfaction of the door shutting just in time for you to make eye contact for 2 seconds. (actually, that probably wouldn't be very nice of you.. don't do that. Share the elevator with the creepy long-haired professor/TA lookin' guy... he probs hates trudging up hills in the freezing cold as much as you do..)

25) If it says, "Keep out," there's probably a lot of adventure to be had just beyond that sign... :D 


I've learned more things than that. But those are some of the more profound ones to share. Happy studying, friends!

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