Wednesday, November 27, 2013

It Goes Beyond the Highest Star

9am Wednesday morning and I am due for another cup of coffee. 

I've been meaning to follow up after that paper tragedy that went down, but things have been so crazy that it hasn't happened. But, the short story of it is this: I survived and I got it done. 

Friday afternoon one of my wonderful Kalonavite brothers texted to heads up on a movie night at one of our friend's house. While I had previous plans of having a movie night with one of my friend's from Salt, after the trauma of having lost so much work, I couldn't think of anything I'd love more than to spend the evening in Kalona. After telling my friend that I wouldn't make it due to my impending suicide due to the loss of my paper and he informed me promptly he'd show up at my house within the hour to offer moral support and motivation. 

True to his word, over he came and, while he didn't turn out to be all that helpful, he's a quirky sort who has a talent in straight-forward truth speaking and honesty, which is what I need more often than not. He urged me to keep working on my paper until we left for Kalona. (My friend agreed to switch movie night location plans to Kalona instead of my house). So, I managed to restore almost all of my paper before taking a time out and heading to Kalona for an other adventure. 

It was SO great! 

We returned ourselves to our respective homes around midnight-ish, and I think I managed to crawl under my covers close to 1am. 

Saturday I awoke at 7 and began layering myself like a parfait. Well, maybe more like an onion. 
We knew the concession stands would be cold, but I didn't work the final game last year so I wasn't quite sure what I was about to encounter. I had about 6 layers on going into the game, and with the uniform on (Over all the layers) I was up to 8. EIGHT LAYERS OF CLOTHES!

Our stand was cold. I took a bucket of hot water outside of the stand to wash the counters... the water froze instantly to the counter and we had to use the pizza servers to scrape it off. Back in the stand we were hugging the pizza warmers and eachother to keep warm. That is, until my stand manager approached me and asked if I'd be willing to work a Mini stand. 

A Mini stand is a 2-person stand, so you're isolated from the rest of your crowd. It's also out in the open and doesn't have any heat source at all. The only saving grace it has is a brick wall that blocks the wind kinda sorta.. but not really. 

It sounded like an adventure to me, so I accepted my stand manager's request and began to follow the boss out the door. One of the angels in the big stand saw me heading out and offered me her gloves on account I didn't have any... OH MY GOODNESS IS SHE A SAINT!

Upon arrival at the little stand, I was introduced to my selling partner. She's a senior at Cornell and was volunteering for a sorority. Didn't know her before the game, but we bonded over the frozen state of our existence for the next 4 hours. 

I posted on facebook how cold it was, but in case you missed it, here it is. 

-We left our water spritzer bottle out on the counter and it froze inside and out. And then we ran it under hot water and tried to squeeze it.. it shattered. (It was plastic)

-We would open the door of the pretzel warmer and the condensation rolled down and formed icicles in the time it took us to pull out a pretzel and close the door again. (Seriously, 7 seconds max)

-We had to keep our new bottle of water in the refridgerator too keep it from freezing

-We would spray water on our pretzels to dip them in salt and the drops of water froze on the previously warmed pretzel before we dipped them into the salt.

-We watched someone drop a bucket of steaming hot chocolate onto the cement and it froze solid in less than 20 seconds. Seriously, By the time they got it tipped back up, it was solid. Like a little ice skating rink.

-I spilt a little water on my gloves and I would clench my fist and watch the ice fall off.

-People left  5 and 10 dollar tips because they didn't want to stick their hands out of their mittens or coat pockets again.

-I had my scarf pulled up over my face and the mere act of breathing on it caused it to freeze and I got frost on my eyelashes.

- I breathed on my counter top just to see if it would freeze instantly.. it did. 

-I had someone offer me his 20 dollars of change in exchange for my phone number. Tempting.. but I had a few moral hesitations with that one. 


Basically.. it was cold enough that I wanted to cry, but i was worried the tears would freeze onto my face. But, it was quite the adventure and I was SO thankful when I got home and plopped down on my couch with a quilt wrapped over me. 

After arriving back home, I set out to work on the paper some more. There was some insanity that ensued, but it was justified. I stayed up until 12am and then gave up for exhaustion.. but was so close. 

I woke up at 6am and worked on it til 10 am when I finally finished it, turned it in, and breathed a sigh of relief. No time to rest of course, showering and church readying needed to happen, and then of course, actually going to church. I didn't have time to dry my hair and so it froze in the time it took to walk from my car to the front door. 

Church was wonderful and I made a new friend. (Seriously guys, if you're going to sit alone.. too bad. I'ma sit by you.) Coffee was out when we got there, so I resolved to take pain killers later for the headache that would surely ensure from the lack of sleep AND caffeine. We arrived home some time after one and all of everything distracted from that plan. 

First of all, we were all out of food. (Who goes shopping right before break? Not us.) We had been existing off of cookie dough the last several days and so when we arrived home Sunday for lunch and only found left over cookie dough in our fridge.. we each took a few bites and hoped that maybe there'd be food of some sort at the hymn sing later. (Mennonite food beats everything). I found a nearly expired small cup of pasta in the cupboard and I think Anne ate some lettuce? Amanda had to go work at the studio, so she didn't eat. (Us poor college kids). We just didn't have food so we distracted ourselves with packing and cleaning. Maybe this is why my headache worsened, I don't know, but I felt worse as the day went on. I layed down for a few seconds and realized that I'd fall asleep instantly if I did, so I kept myself awake doing other things, as I had a friend popping in on her way home from UNI momentarily and I needed to be awake when she arrived. 

She came, we chatted, it was wonderful! Then she left and I began to straighten the kitchen and living room and do the little chores that my roommate requested I complete while she was gone. Finally she returned home, and we scrambled around the house to get things in order for us to leave for the Hymn sing because we would be heading to Storm Lake after. She managed to find some old Pita bread in our basket and we each got half a pita as we drove down down to Kalona. 


There aren't even words to describe the wonder that is this little Kalonavite happening. The Lord was so there and my heart was just cradled and tended to as the most beautiful sounding worship rang out through out the little church. I'd come full circle. 

A year ago, I was doing a triathlon through the valley of death and just coming to the end of the swim-through- the-lake-of-fire (basically) and there wasn't much hope left to hang on to. February, is when I crossed the finish line for that particular hellish trial and my heart was in so many pieces that I couldn't imagine it *feeling* much of anything for a while. THE VERY NEXT DAY, literally, a little over 24 hours after closing the lid on the coffin that held my dreams and hopes that had been dead long enough they were starting to decay, I was invited into this little church, just outside of this little town, and it was there I heard the the song "Oh Love of God" sang in a capella by this wonderful group of people who love the Lord. 

The Lyrics are these:

  1. The love of God is greater far
    Than tongue or pen can ever tell;
    It goes beyond the highest star,
    And reaches to the lowest hell;
    The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
    God gave His Son to win;
    His erring child He reconciled,
    And pardoned from his sin.
      • Refrain:
        Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!
        How measureless and strong!
        It shall forevermore endure—
        The saints’ and angels’ song.

    1. I can't describe how it sounds, but I can tell you that the Lord reached down during that song the first time and told, "I've got you, Fern." And so started my adventures in Kalona. And here, months and months later as my heart has been going through re-constructive surgery to put the broken pieces back together, I found myself in this same little church watching the same 2 godly men lead people by way of song and I felt the same love from God that I had the first time. AND THEN WE SANG THIS SONG! Wahhhhhh! I just cried. *Sigh* How the Lord loves me. 
    2. So after that little glimpse of heaven, Amanda and I set out on our next adventure. Home in the caddy. While we had, indeed, been offered food by the Mennonites, we never actually made it to wherever that food existed as we were chatting with our good friends. No matter, we needed to stop for coffee anyways (tired headache still prevailed). 
    3. It was just after 10pm when we arrived at a little gas station in some little town and went in to survey the food options. Everything warm was shut down at that point, so we settled for pumpkin spice coffee and receieved well wishes for our travels from the clerk. We determined we'd stop else where for supper but settled on eating more cookie dough until then. The one other place we tried had closed at 10 and we found ourselves staring in the window at 10:30. *sigh* We had originally planned to stop SOMEwhere but, we were so exhausted, we just plowed on ahead. Some time after midnight, we switched off and Amanda drove. There was no sleeping, of course, because whoever wasn't driving was in charge of keeping the driver awake. 
    We stumbled through the front door close to 2am and went to bed. PRAISE THE LORD FOR HOME!

    We awoke around 8am and a little giggly brother sneaked in with a warm corn bag that he slipped under our covers before tucking us back in saying, "Sleep for a while more, I'll be back"
    <3 Be still my heart strings. He's all about giving us breakfast in bed. :) 

    I mean.. that's what his intentions were, but come 9am we were so starving (carried over from the night before) that we emerged from out covers and wandered down stairs to see the panekukin just being placed in the oven.  We all sat around the kitchen table while catching Mom up on our latest adventures, attempting to describe the hymn sing she'd wanted to go to but couldn't. 

    Monday was filled with cuddling and resting and sometime around 2pm I realized I still had that headache and decided I just must be really exhausted. Around 3pm I realized it was because I hadn't gotten any coffee and I called my father at work and informed him we needed coffee around the house and he informed me to check the cupboards and to call him back by 4pm if I didn't find any. Shortly thereafter I fell back asleep in the penthouse and all thoughts of checking the cupboards and calling back were soon forgotten. I awoke sometime close to 5pm to the most beautiful sunset ever. 

Kit was there when I woke up (I was sleeping in his bed after all) and so we took a picture together whilst watching the sunset. 

Home. Where you can actually see the sunset. This is what I miss in Iowa City. 

Tuesday was slightly more productive than monday and we managed to scrub down the kitchen a little. Abe, my former Mennonite friend, invited himself over shortly before lunch and we put him to work chopping wood. (He's a Forestry major, so that basically means he can chop our wood for us when he comes over). 

Around 4pm we had to take Amanda to the meeting point so we could turn her over to her mom :'( . Eva and I got some good chats together on the way home and the house was quiet again when I returned. *sigh* 

So now we have last minute house cleaning to do before the rest of the Kohlpack arrives home. Well.. amost the rest. We'll be one-short this year, but 9 outta 10 is still an A right? 

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!!! I love you all and I'm SO thankful for you!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Snow Time like The Present

Guys, I went to bed and woke up and it was almost Thanksgiving break! I mean.. technically, I'm on break now. I don't have a single class until next monday night. But I'm not on break yet... because I still have that paper to finish. :) I had no idea I had so many people that cared about how well I handle my homework, but, my goodness, my friends are the best! 

Yesterday I posted on my facebook a desperate plea for someone to come keep me company as I slowly withered away under mounds of research articles on stress and memory. (I'm becoming a stress pro expert!) One of my sweet friends was quick to respond and showed up at my door with homework in hand and boosted my motivation to keep working away. (SHE IS SO GREAT!!) And then! When I got to Salt last night, at least 3 people asked if someone had come to my rescue as they wanted to but couldn't. D'awww... you guys. If I smiled any bigger, I wouldn't be able to see anything cuz my cheeks would cover my eyes. 

I made sure to get good sleep last night as I knew I'd be going back into battle today. I was more than delighted to wake up to the white dusting we got over night. I mean.. I don't have to go out in it today, so I can enjoy it from a distance. 

Still having this paper to write reminds at LOT of my life as a homeschooler. Because I never actually did my school work on time and so when it got to the time when we were supposed to have a break, I would still be stuck on the couch with Saxon's Algebra 2 staring back at me in all it's pure form of evil. There is no puking sound vile enough to convey the emotions I feel toward upper-level math. Not that Algebra 2 is all that upper-level, but it's about as far as I ever care to go. 

Thanksgiving break. I'm going home for it this year. I didn't last year, but that's because sometimes I run away (I'm sure you've noticed by now). This year, home is running away enough for me. Nothing can ever compete with waking up to the smell of the wood stove warming the house or little brothers bringing you breakfast in bed. Or being served coffee first thing because someone just loves you so much they want to spend time with you. Nothing quite beats falling asleep to Planet Earth movies on tired afternoons or staying up late watching youtube videos, laughing til you have the hiccups. 
I love the freedom to start a project in the wood shop or bake food enough for 20 people (Because we all know 1 boy= 3 girls) or playing a real legitimate piano when ever you want. :) It's a great place, home is. And come 1 or 2am Monday morning, I will be walking through the front door and into the arms of brothers who will have been assigned to stay awake until I have safely arrived. Of course my parents (who assigned the boys to stay awake on account they went to bed) will be awake too, claiming that they weren't really asleep yet. I love that. Coming home is the best. 

Guys I'm struggling. The struggle bus has kidnapped me something awful. I'm all cuddled and cozy on my couch but my motivation to keep plugging through this pape is severely lacking. So, you're going to keep finding new things added to this post as the day goes on. It's like a nice little surprise! Like when you leave a flower in a vase in the sunlight and you come back to find that the petals have opened up a little bit more. 

Stress impairs a lot of brain functions, guys. I've got that part down pretty good. It impairs motivation, it impairs memory retrieval, encoding, all that good stuff. Basically everything I need. And I mean... apathy impairs those things too. I think I have a case of both. WOAH! That's like mixing drugs. BAD combination. Stress and apathy. Someone shoot me. In the foot. Or... idk. Tell me I'm going to make it. Tell me I can add 500 words to this pape by lunch time. Tell me it's okay to have all my friends over even though I don't have my homework done.. idk. Tell me something. Interact with me or something. 

Also... this is it. My last college paper. The final one. O_O Of course it had to be a torturous one. College is like, "You aren't getting out with out a fight, yo!" And I'm like, "whatever, College. You don't own me. You're not the boss of me. You can't control me." And Life is like, "hahaha... that's what you think." And then Reality is like, "He has a point..." And then I'm like, "Ah poops... you're right." 

Life and Reality work against me sometimes. C'mon guys, can't you just be on my team for once? Wouldn't you like to work in my favor?? And they both be like, "hahahahaha.... a joke! She's a funny one, that Fern. Always makin' people laugh." 

Reality is a jerk sometimes. 

Oh my GOSH! I'M INSANE! This paper is a jerk is what's happening. Taking my brain and mushing it into oatmeal. >:[ "Have at thee! I will conquer you yet!" 



Okay... breathe... breathe.. breathe... Ahhhh cryyyyy

I don't know what just happened, but my computer just turned all of EVERYthing I have written so far into strange boxes and Chinese characters and now my Word document is freezing up and getting ready to crash and I'm SECONDS away from losing everything. Yes.. everything. Because my computer can't save anything because the memory is full and I can't fix that. (Believe me.. I've erased just about everything off the harddrive and it still isn't making new space for saving things.) 

Ahhhh... okay... don't cry... don't.. wheeeww... breathe. 

I can't breathe. Can I cry? I think I'm going to. Blink. Blink. Hold back the tears....breathe.



Phew... okay. After 15 minutes of panic and tears and feelings of complete hopelessness and ruin, I think I can do this. Not really, actually, but I have to. I'd much rather cry for the next three hours... but I have to replace all the work from the last 3 hours that I lost.

Plus... I totally cried for three straight hours on Wednesday so I kinda already used that lifeline.

Thank God for sweet roommates. I'm going to write the paper on my roommate's computer because hers won't crash on me and ruin my life. 

I'm going to magically type up 700 words in the next 30 minutes and then search out the references for where I got those ideas afterwards. Sound goot? Goot.

I'm alone in my misery and so I have to tell these sorts of things to myself because i don't have anyone else.


I think I may be close to a panic attack. Probably I'm being dramatic, but every time I look at the lack of information I have added to this paper, my heart freaks out a little and I can't bring myself to work on it.
How about I just say that stress causes memory loss and major impairment on HOW TO WRITE PAPERS!!

Also, I can't make myself stop crying. I attempted to stop about 10 minutes ago, and then I gave up. I'll just keep a tissue box on hand and drink water because, well, the flood gates have been released. Plus... I mean. Any hope I woke up with crashed with my computer. I mean... okay.. I'm not COMPLETELY without hope. I still have home to look forward to. I have.... things. BUT... no. I want to give up now.

You win, life. You win. I quit.  

"Flower gleam and glow
Let your power Shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt

Change the fate's design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine....


3pm. Heart rate has stabilized.

While I would like to be in the kitchen hacking my head off with a large knife, I think I'm coming out of panic mode. It only took 2 hours... so that's great. I've still be staring at the same research for a while and I know I need to add it to my paper, but I lack the motivation as I already went through that whole tangled mess of deciphering the crap and reworded it into intelligent language. I mean... it's just work. How about I move onto PTSD??

I know lots about that now since losing most of a research paper which had over 11 hours of work put into it counts as trauma. Phew. Okay. Okay. I can probably drone on for at least two pages about PTSD. Right? That's a thing. People have it.

I have 4 hours before people start coming over for our pre-Thanksgiving break hang out. I'm not near as close to break as I thought I'd be at this point.

I'm complaining, I know. I shouldn't complain. How else do you cope, though? Or maybe I'm just stating true facts. That's not complaining is it? Dramatically stating true facts? I hope not. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Vente Grande


Here we go again, my friends. Crazy posts from an insane college student being oppressed by homework and deadlines and yuckiness like that. 

Guys this is bad... I found out i have until SUNDAY to write this 10paged research paper. As if my procrastination needed any encouragement...

It's raining snow today. I like that. I'd like it more if I didn't have to go to class, but seeing as I skipped last week, I really should go this week. 

And I'm tired. Some how, our roommate hanging outtings went until midnight last night. Of course I was fine with this because my thoughts were, "I don't have class til 5:30pm Wednesdays! So I can sleep in and then settle into writing papers and doing homework all day." Then at 11:47pm I suddenly realized that I work EVERY Wednesday morning now. Which is a good thing, I need the $, but, my actions prior to were fairly unwise. 

I can't decide if it's the time of year, the stress load, or the fact that Thanksgiving break is elusively looming in the distance, but my heart is extremely restless....again. I need to run away again or something. But not really run away because I need people in my life.. but I kind of want to run away from people again. I like being alone lately. I'm not being productive in my loneliness, though. Plus, I'm just... ughk. 

I haven't been impressed at my walk with the Lord lately. I often wonder why I have friends. Why do people ever want to hang out with me? They're crazy. Totally crazy. Or just way too kind to say 'no'. I don't know, I appreciate them and wonder at them at the same time. 

Also, there is a battle for maturity going down in basically all over the place and I'm not impressed. I mean, I myself am hardly mature, especially in my faith, but I'm incredibly discouraged at the lack of maturity seemingly everywhere I turn. It's such a battle because, I mean, I'm over it. I don't give a crap about being so much of a people pleaser when it comes down to catering to a childish ploy for more attention or affirmation or affection than I have to offer. Which sounds absolutely heartless and cruel, I know. Which is why I look at my own lack of maturity in the issue and shake my head in wonderment at how people ever stand to willingly choose to spend 2 consecutive hours with me. 

I mean, I think what I really need is to be in the presence of people who can build me up and pour back into me because I've been running on fumes for a lot longer than I even comprehend. 

I don't know how much my heart is restless or just so empty that suddenly none of the usual temporary remedies work at all. Christians get that way sometimes...empty. With the church. It's totally possible. 
I feel like I get here a lot.
My problem is that I attend church and Salt Company and Bible study and then run around pursuing people and I hardly stop and sit still long enough for the Lord to fill me. I count people speaking Truth into my life and hearing Truth spoken at church as bread enough to sustain me. I'm basically Spiritually anorexic, I've decided. Or maybe bulimic, because I puke out everything I take in onto the lives of my friends that need it "more than me." Kinda like driving a car without oil in your engine totally kills it... I'm kind of there. No oil. But I keep going. Can someone just sit me down and tell me I'm not a failure as a human being? Or just.. I don't know. Is that being too much? I just need to know a good reason or two as to why anyone would want to be around me. 


Here we are. 72 hours away from 10page paper being due. I hate to be a complainer (Because we all know that's just a bad idea) But, I realllllly don't want to write this paper. If I've ever hated to write a paper before.. it's this one. My goal is 700 words by the time my 3:30 class roles around this afternoon. I think I've calculated that the thing has to be 2500-3000 words, so 700 is a little bit lame.. but it's a goal all the same. 

I never condoned skipping class before this semester. I think I skipped maybe one time a semester (if that) in prior years of semesters. Don't skip class, kids. It's unwise. Even if you know the material, at least show up and be where you're supposed to be. Except... I'm skipping today, so I mean.. you don't have to listen to me. I'm terrible. 

I'm really nervous about this paper because, 1) I've never had a professor say that if we don't write it well enough, she'll give it back and make us re-write it. And by golly she would do it too. I have no doubt that she'd request a re-write.  And 2) I've never had a professor write "8-10pages" on the syllabus and then say, "It HAS to be at LEAST 10 full pages of text, not 10 pages including title page and references." 0_0 Okay then.  And 3) be incredibly picky about wordiness and concision and give examples of how we might try to expand our papers with longer explanations of research articles when we could have been less wordy about it. Okay, so... that's kind of my secret weapon in ridiculous papers like this one. I mean, why say in 10 words what you could say in 30? You have to make the thing 3000 words anyways. And who wants THAT much information? And can be like cotton candy...sugar coated air. Nice and fluffy and delectable, but not too substantial and sickening. 
Well, prof don't want cotton candy, she wants jolly rancher and my gosh it better be 5lbs at that. 

I don't know why it's so easy for me to type up a lengthy blog of puked out emotions and then I struggle to add 60 words of factual information to an academic piece. Maybe because I create my own truth in a blog and I have to work with other people's truths  in a paper. Maybe I'm really self-centered and don't like other people's truths. 

Oh! Also, I totally had an emotional break down in class last night. I find it amusing now. It didn't have to do with the lecture at all. The prof was going on about methods for studying aging and longitudinal verses cross-sectional design and my mind was totally in another place. Thinking about my life and such and my stress... and then, before I realized it... tears. So I faked a coughing fit to make it seem like my eyes were watering from a tickle in my throat. I mean... you guys probably think I'm a sorry bucket of emotions basically all of the time... it's not true! But kind of it is. I mean, crying... it's not a regular occurrence thing... just when I'm stressed. Which is now. 

My body hurts today. It must be especially humid out.. all of the bones I have ever previously broken are crying out in protest. Also... I must have the strangest dreams in which it requires my whole body to overcome whatever great distress I face. Not only do I constantly find myself awakening to my legs being all wrapped up in the cord of my electric blanket, I'm continuously having to pop things back into their sockets that seem to have found their ways out of place during the night. Shoulders.. hips.. goodness gracious.. I must be like Uncle Hubb from Second Hand Lions who goes out and refights whole battles with the Arabs in his sleep and can't figure out why he wakes up sore every day. 

Okay! I'm ahead of the game a little and see some hope for reaching 700 words by lunch time. AHHH! This excites me so much I can't handle it. I've also been drinking coffee all morning. 0_0 TAKE ME HOME, LORD! JUST TAKE ME HOME!

Monday, November 18, 2013

A Weak Start After the Weekend

Well, it's another week, friends. Another week and there is another set of stressers on my plate.

-10paged Research paper on Stress and memory (Isn't that funny??...stress is everywhere)
-The Presentation that got moved from last week
-2 Homeworks
-3 quizes

Honestly I'm not near as stressed this week. Which is good because I am now sick. With a sore throat and probable sinus infection and all the works to go with that. Headaches..stomach aches, tightness of the lungs... Oh well. I'm not complaining. If I survive this week than I can go home and sleep for a week. 

I had one of the best weekends I could have ever wanted this past weekend, so I have nothing to complain about. I am too blessed, I think. My family is the best ever. 2 of my little brothers came into town to adventure with me and my friends and, while our adventure didn't turn out like planned, it was one of my favorite Friday nights ever. 

We sang hymns in a stairwell with some Kalonavites. Why a stairwell? Acoustics, man. So echoey and lovely. 

"What are Kalonavites?" One might ask. Well, let me tell you!

Kalonavites are a unique people group located in South/East Iowa in a small village called Kalona. Their beliefs are something inbetween conservative Christian and Amish-ish. I just say they love Jesus and call it good. They're actually quite difficult to describe, and are so unique, the best way to attempt comprehension of them is to meet them. 
This people group doesn't believe in fighting or wars or scuffles or such, but they have very strange fascinations for loud noises and anything pyro. This of course lends to a giddy and delighted enchantment when in the presence of a firearm. If you can picture the cartoons where the eyes are spinning in hypnosis, that's about what they look like when a gun is brought out. 

Kalonavites are, for the most part, highly respectable and polite. More so than the average breed of male. However, when 2 or more are gathered together in front of a TV screen, any awareness of female presence seems to dissolve and a certain level of discomfort is experienced if you happen to be of the woman species. 

The bestest thing about this peculiar group of peace-loving gun enthusiasts is that when they are not shooting up their grandmother's Easter eggs and the trees and rivers around Kalona, they are singing sweet songs of old in the churches of their childhoods. The Lord has knitted together some of His finest vocal chords into the necks of these youthful beings, that are fully equipped with power to heal and encourage and enliven the hearers of such glorious music. This being because, when they sing, the Spirit of the Lord is there. 
It has been quite a blessing from the Lord to be aware of their existence these last 9 months and I shall treasure the remaining 8 months that I have to know them. I think the Kalonavites will forever be one of my favorite encounters along the way of my journeyings. 

Beyond the Kalonavites singing in the stairwell, having a portion of The Brotherhood in town was a treat of the finest kind. Our wonderful time spent with the Kalonavites went into the early hours of the morning and thus the time we spent sleeping was less than usual. Before tucking one of my young brothers away for the night, he mentioned how sick he was and how much he hated to think he'd have to visit Student Death when returning to his place of residence. Of course I volunteered to take him somewhere in Iowa City and thus we planned upon awakening, we would embark on such an adventure. 

I sort of came to around 9am and would have been content to return to sleep and continue in it for an hour or two more but, I remembered my sweet Kennedy and marched down to the living room to check on his waking up progress. Off we went and we returned home with his magical medicines an hour and a half later. 

We spent an hour chatting in the living room with my roommates and Kitty before we invited ourselves over to my sister's for lunch. She wasn't home when we got there, but we let ourselves in and began watching Pride and Prejudice. *sigh* what a  perfect Saturday. We eventually ate lunch and said farewell to The Brotherhood. We then returned home and spent the afternoon accomplishing odds and ends and mostly nothing. Pearl came over at some point and more resting took place. 

Sunday, of course, was not restful, but it's not really a day that can be. Too much happens on a Sunday but at least Sunday ends with sleep. Not much sleep, of course, because I always forget about having to wake up at 6am for Monday Morning prayer until about midnight, and then I stress so much about having to wake up that I don't really sleep. 

Maybe that's why I'm sick. I fell asleep on my Bible already today. Which, I mean, sleeping through quiet time is probably not the best thing, but the Bible says that "The Lord grants sleep to those He loves" and "When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet" and other such things as that. So I don't feel bad that I did that. 

Now I will take my week one day at a time. Monday homework, Tuesday class, Wednesday homework, Thursday class. Friday sleep, Saturday concessions, Sunday church/Kalonavite hymn sing/ journey home to Storm Lake. 

It's going to be great!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Get Ready for Another Break

Tears.  Every rough week must end in tears right? Guys, I'm exhausted. I'm totally... exhausted. Can I just make a super honest and transparent post? Maybe you don't want to hear it, but I just want to express some things. 

Okay, here's where I am: my heart is breaking. 

I'm at this point where I'm wishing the Lord had not given me some of the great friends that I have because I'm suddenly acutely aware that they are just a season. I know I've blogged about this recently, but now, as the semester comes to a close and I can count on my two hands the amount of months before my lease runs out and I have to make a decision to move on, to another town, or city, or state and I realize that these friends that have worked their way into touching the deepest places of my heart will not be physically accessible any more. That breaks my heart. And it just hurts me. 

As  I was talking with the Lord about it, He was reminding me that it was good. It was good that I met them and they were an absolutely blessing in my life and I absolutely needed them when they turned up, but I have to trust it is for the best when life changes again. I have to trust that every time my heart breaks, the Lord re-enforces it. Every time my heart tears or rips, He re-sews it to be bigger and more like His. 

But I'm not ready.

And it could just be that I had a terrible week of stress and anxiety and not as good sleep and little to no interactions with real humans and now at the end of it I'm tired and emotional, but even good sleep will not change reality. And I get mad at my friends for being great because they steal my heart. 
Can't I just put my heart in a box and not let people run off with pieces of it?? I mean, no. That'd be no good. But sometimes it's like, "Stop. Please stop. Stop making me laugh, stop making me feel loved. Stop being wonderful." But really, don't stop. I need you. 

But in all that. As I look at life and where I will be and where my friends will be and how much change is yet to come, I look  at the Lord and I ask, "will you stay? Please stay. I need you to stay." And he looks at me with sympathy and says, "Fern. Of course I will stay. I will never leave you or forsake you. I will be with you always, even to the end of the age. I will be with you when you move away from Iowa City. I will be with you when life changes. I will stay. I will stay right here. I'm with you on this one."  And I'm sure that may sound a little cheesy to you, but it means the world to me. 

So, sometimes I try to write letters to my future husband. People have told me this is a good idea. 
The last few times I started, I ended up writing a letter to Jesus instead. But then I realized, He is my future husband. The wedding is planned and there's going to be a feast and everyone is invited. The church is the bridegroom, is it not? Did He not say He was coming back? My love. My one and only. My forever. 

Please stay.

I think I view marriage wrongly. I mean, I'm just going to go ahead and confess that sometimes I look forward to marriage because I like the idea of someone loving me for the rest of my life. I also know what it feels like to be in a relationship where you feel like a burden and too much and not worth loving or pursuing and it's just.. empty and broken and awful. And then I think, "I can live just fine without that. I would sooner be single for the rest of my entire earthly life than be stuck in that forever." And then there stands Jesus and He just gives me a look that says, "But I want you." 

Sometimes I'll find myself liking a godly man in my circle of acquaintances and then I'll pray about it and ask the Lord to take away the feelings if they aren't right and then He does. And then I'm always a little surprised when He does because I'm like, "Hmm what was the matter with that one, Lord?"
And it's as if the Lord has my heart out on his workbench and he's forming it and creating it into this intricate, delicate work and He protectively throws His arms around it and is like, "Are you kidding me?? This heart is not for just anybody. I'm proud of this work. And I've got plans for it and I'm not about to let you just give it to some boy who is going to drop it and break it. No way." 

I feel loved and lost at the same time. 

But I look at what is coming, I mean, my heart will have to break. This season of friends is wrapping up. And The Lord seems to be giddy about it because He's like, "I'm going to fix it, though. And add detail and character." 

I'm so human. Gosh darnit. I'm human and I'm a girl human, so that's even worse. I think I know what's good for me but I don't and then I'm emotional and the whole reason God has to be so protective of my heart is because He has His own share of cuts and bruises from trying to manipulate it and form it into what He wants while I fight and resist. 

That's why He fights off the boys. He's like, "Oh no you don't. Do you even know how much I've fought for this heart. You want a piece of it?? You're going to have to go through me." 

Guys, last night, one of the men from my student ministry challenged us to be trained in godliness. 
I want that so bad. You have no idea how badly I want that. 

I'm terrible at the 'Christianity' thing. I'm so terrible. Sometimes I only pray once a week. Sometimes I don't even open my Bible unless I'm at church. I don't pursue God. 

I pursue my heart feeling healed. I pursue joy. I pursue feeling whole. But I don't pursue God. I mean, I pursue God so that I can feel healed and joyful and whole, but I'm not pursuing God because I'm in love with Him and just want to be like him. I pursue Him for the feelings that come as a result. I pursue the symptoms of God. SYMPTOMS guys. 

Like having a running nose and a sore throat doesn't mean you have a cold. You have a cold when cells in your body are fighting infection cells and there is a battle going on that you don't see and the symptoms are just the signs that it's going on. 

I don't want symptoms, guys. I want God. I don't want to be a symptom in the church, guys. I don't want to be a symptom of my leaders pursuing God. I want to be the one pursuing God. 

And here I'm asking the Lord, "Can you hold me together? Just keep my heart from going everywhere when it breaks again." 

And I don't want it to break because I attached it to my wonderful, God-loving friends and I have to move. I want it to break because God moved in and He was too big for it. I don't want to be a small human with a small human heart. I want to be a small human with the heart of God. A heart easily broken for the things that matter. And I know it will have to break. 

I think I'm okay with that. I think I'm okay with a life of brokenness as long as the Lord never leaves me. As long as the pieces can be put back together and I have the strength to breathe. 

Sometimes life hurts too much to breathe. That's when the Lord reaches down and breathes into my nostrils the breath of life. Sometimes I need a little mouth-to-mouth before taking the next step. 

Maybe that's what this is. Another measure of faith being poured out in the exact amount needed before the next step. Before the next crack. Before the next break.  

Okay, Lord. Let's do this. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Journal Entry No. 3

Someone pointed out to me that I'm on the down hill end of this crazy week. YAY! And it's Wednesday at that. 

I mean, If you consider still having to crank out an 8-pager by tomorrow morning on the down hill side I guess. Actually I read the syllabus and it says 6 to 8 pages! Somehow 6 pages doesn't seem nearly as impossible as 8 does right now. And! I have 258 words going right now. That means something right?? Almost a full page. 

I'm doing a research paper on the terrible effects of stress on your health. Go figure. I'm pretty stressed about it, but the Lord has granted me good sleep in the midst of it. I was awaken by the Lord at 7:05am with ideas for my next paragraph/area of research already swimming in my head. I don't recommend this at all, but I'm researching as Im writing. I have to be time efficient on this one. 

As for my 15minute group presentation for tomorrow, the Lord has been gracious again as my prof announced in class yesterday, "If anybody is set to go Thursday but your schedules are really busy and you're overwhelmed or something like that, you are free to go next Tuesday instead." OHMYGOSH THANKYOU!!! He asked if any body would like that and I was like, "I VOLUNTEER! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!!" And he was like, "Okay. You remember then, 'cuz I'm not writing it down."

And then later I got a text from my elusive presentee-classmates asking if we'd like to go on Tuesday since Fern's week is so crazy. (Someone wasn't in class I guess....) Actually I've never met one of them. No idea what they look like or anything. So I guess she wouldn't know it was I who volunteered as tribute for Tuesday. Either way.. PRAISE GOD I ONLY HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THE PAPER AT THIS POINT IN MY LIFE.

I don't usually use so many capitalized letters in my writing...I'm just going insane. 

Another thing, startup disk is full. I'm typing up this paper and I can't even save it. I can't even use my 'Works Cited' option because it can't save my informations of authors. So, I'm just praying my computer doesn't crash (because it does that often) and I'm praying I don't lose the whole thing.

So.. we'll see. We'll see what happens.  

We are 23 hours, 39 minutes away from this paper being due. I've never turned in a late paper. I've also never pulled an all-nighter in college. Every semester I get to a super stressful point and I always think, "Okay. Tonight is the night. I'ma pull an all-nighter." And then I conk out at 11pm. The latest I've ever stayed up doing home work was 3am My freshman year. Not because I had to, but because my friend's 10-page paper got deleted at 11pm when it was due 7:30am the following day. So I stayed up with her. That was fun. I mean.. stressful for her, but I had fun. 

Okay. Goodness. I need to get another paragraph on this thing. We'll just take it 100 words at a time. :/

It is now 4pm

Crunch time. I mean this morning was crunch time. But Crunch time just got crunchier. 

I need to get this donne. 


I feel like a little bit of a crazy genius because I made a realization that boosted my confidence in this paper just a wee little bit. 

I've been writing from the perspective that stress causes certain hormone levels to rise and make an excess secretion of acid in the stomach and cause ulcers. I mean, research supports this view, so why not?

BUT! Along the way, my research brought me to some studies suggesting a sneaky bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori. A pre-existing infection in the guts. 

At first I disregarded this theory because it's not likely that everyone suffering ulcers has infections of the stomach... but this is actually an interesting find. Why?? Because stress stinkin' suppresses your immune system! And if your immune system is suppressed, then these ulcer-inducing bacteria have a chance to do some damage. And then the stress does factor into the ulcers but not for the same reason you may have thought. Isn't that amazing? It's amazing.  

I mean, you're probably not interested in my health psychology research, but I liked making that connection...on my very own. Now I'm redirecting my research a little. 

Guys!! I have 2 whole pages! Okay.. so I need 4 more. But!!! I've got a few hours to work with it.


Okay, so, I know I've been focusing all of my research on ulcers for the past 23 hours, but, ya know, things change. Like...paper topics.... 

Right so, this whole discovery about immune system suppression and ulcer development means something. It's more significant than I thought. I mean, I'm going to talk about stress and immune system suppression as the overal topic of research and then my ulcer research can be one of my points. Granted, I'll have to do more research to see what else results from stress... colds and what nots, but I'll work with this. The nature of my disease will now focus on how the immune system works. 

I hate medical stuff, guys. You have no idea. I don't actually care how the immune system works, but I'm about to become an expert. 

I just want to some how some way add 500 words to my stinkin' paper by 10:30. That shouldn't be that hard. But research papers are all so picky about having all your information be  cited and backed by research. What if I just want to say my own thoughts on what you should do to prevent illness onset and my own thoughts about how to treat your problem??

Plus I'm still going insane. Or maybe I've achieved insane-hood. I'm SO STINKIN CLOSE to being able to save this thing and walk away. I mean... one page. That's all it'd take. I've got 5 pages and I need one more. If only papers were as easy as blogging. I can make myself type semi-coherent sentences into a blog. When I read my paper, all I read is "aowhofawohf awoe awoadnadsoi aosijawwaosg." That's how much sense it makes to me right now. This is basically all I'm doing right now. 

I'm brilliant I know. Rewording the same thing over and over. And my contacts are sticking to my eyeballs... 
I've skipped 6 hours of class this week so far. That makes me feel like a bad student. But I'm doing it so that I can be a good student and perform well academically. 


Done. At exactly 11.

Praise the Lord. 

My contacts are stuck to my eyeballs and I can barely read anything I type anymore. But I'm done. 

Just in time too, I feel a sore throat coming on...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Journal Entry no. 2

My study guide is now 22 pages and counting. I'm almost through all the material though!! Woohoo! 

I think I thought that when I went to bed I'd wake up and the snow would be gone and it'd bounce back into warm 50F degree weather. Not so. 


I wanna spend time in the Word. Come Friday, I wont be answering my phone til noon. 


I emailed my prof about skipping his class last night and informed him of all my academic overwhelmed-ness and his response was, "I will pray for you, Fern."
Whaaat??? Oh my goodness. My day is MADE. 


Also, Nicaraguan coffee + Hot cocoa powder + peppermint coffee creamer = CHRISTMAS IN A COFFEE CUP OHMYGOODNESS!


I've made a little progress on my 8-paged paper. I've got my opening line in my head. It goes, "Have you ever noticed that after an especially stressful week of class or exams, you seem to get sick once you finally have time to relax?"  Sounds pretty good right? I came up with that as I was falling asleep last night. Took a little stress off my mind knowing I had a start on it at least. 


No progress yet on those 3 homework assignments due today. They'll just have to wait. 


I'm working a little today. Right after my exam. Not that I have time, even, to accept hours, but I'll take what I can get. Gas isn't going to pay for itself now is it? I just hope I don't rush through the exam in an attempt to get my nanny kid to swim team practice on time. Exam is at 3:30 and swim team is at 4:30. 
He'll be late. I already know that. But I'll work with it. Not gonna stress too much. Plus when I get done with that, I'm writing a paper. I mean.. half of it. I'm shooting for 4 pages tonight before bed. Because I work tomorrow, too. 

Phew! Okay done. My study guide is 26 pages but it encompasses everything mentioned as important for knowing. it's 9:40am and I'm on coffee cup number 5. Soon to be 6. And I don't want to write any more words. But the exam has essay questions on them. :/ yuck. 


I'm going to drive the ol' caddy today. I have to drive it back to Storm Lake for Thanksgiving so I guess it'll be good to test it out a little. Make sure I trust it. All that stuff. 


I honestly feel stressed enough to have it be finals week. Or more stressed. This is stressful, guys. And I'm sure in like, a month I'm gonna look back and be like, Ah gee, not so bad. BUT SERIOUSLY... now. It's like... the world is gonna explode. Or my head is. Or both. And my kidney. My poor little kidney. All alone doing all this make up work while I consume so much drinkage. 


I got one of my homework assignments turned in! Woot! And I take this exam in 2 hours. 


Also my presentation got moved to Tuesday. PRAISE. THE. LORDT! 

TO do:

Take exam

Work 0_0 

Write 8 paged paper

One more home work assignment

2 more quizes


Take a Chill pill


Monday, November 11, 2013

The Life of a College Student:Journal Entry No. 1

Today is crunch day and we're 6 hours into it. 

12:02pm on Monday the 11th of November. 


To do by THURSDAY:

Take 2 more quizes


Write an 8 page paper on how stress effects your health.. CAN I JUST WRITE ABOUT HOW UNHEALTHY SCHOOL IS FOR EVERYONE??? That paper is due in 3 days and I don't have anything more than the topic picked out. By the time I get around to it... I might have a few words of snark and sarcasm to flavor the thing. Stress, man. 

Find a time to meet up with elusive classmates for group presentation and figure out who is doing what for the 15 minute presentation. Oh my goodness I do not have time to meet with people this week :/ We present on Thursday, though.. so maybs we should figure that out before then.. 

Write and turn in 3 homework assignments due TOMORROW. 

-----shoot me now------

Coffee consumption level: 6 cups

Water consuption:2 cups

Current drink of choice: I asked for a cup of hot water to keep my hands warm while studying in this INSANELY COLD coffee shop I'm drinking it because I'm thirsty and too settled in to get up and get cold water. 


Let's also add trying to fit in work tomorrow and Wednesday. I can do this right??  Yeah? I'll work that in there some how some way. 


My study guide is now 13 pages. It so far covers 1 1/2 lectures. 

There are 8 lectures total. I'm gonna run out of paper. 


Also, thoughts while being an overwhelmed college student, my kidney is gettin' it's workout today.
When people find out I only have one kidney they're always like, "Oh! So you drink a lot of water all the time, right??" 

Uhmm... water that has coffee in it. Does that count?

Except today. I drinked my cold water and now my two cups of hot water. And I'm only half-way through the day. Maybes if I pace myself I can end up drinking all those 8 glasses of water they recommend. I'm really bad at drinking water. Except when I'm stressed. I drink waterever is in front of my in insane amounts when I'm stressed because it's an excuse to put my pen down for a second. 


The hot water at Java House tastes kinda funny when it gets cold. 

Maybe it's like the concession stands where the water we use for hotchocolate is actually really nasty and an odd color and then we just add hot cocoa mix so people don't know what the water we used for it looked like for real. Only this water is clear. So maybe it's not that bad. It just tastes funny. 

But then again, Iowa City draws their water out of the river from a plant that is downstream of a sewage plant. Why do they do that? So much nasty. 

There are a lot of old people who have coffee dates. Cute. 

Also! The man behind the counter has an incredibly shiney head. Or maybe my contacts are starting to stick to my eyeballs. 

And who knew shiney wasn't a real word. It's not because it autocorrected and when I looked up the spelling in a dictionary, no results were found. Hmm... Shine is a word though. Just not shiney. 


I took a 2hr nap 5pm-7pm. 

I'm still working on that study guide. 5 lectures out of 8 and 21 pages. 

I ate a can of tuna and an orange for supper. I need to buy or make bread or something. 


It snowed today. That was pretty. I like snow a lot. It's cold though. I realized that I bought a car but not an ice scraper to go with my car. :/ Credit cards, yo. They make good ice-scrapers. 


I love my cornbag a lot. So warm. So cozy. 


I ate a tomato like an apple. It was delightful. 

Also, I'm starting to fade a little. I just have a little bit more to go before calling it a night and hitting the books again in the morning. *sigh* It might as well be finals week. Maybe. Gosh. Idk. I skipped my favorite class tonight and that makes me a little sad. 
