Thursday, August 29, 2013

Looking forward to home

How my schedule has flip flopped! From not being able to sleep pass 7 all summer on account I was trained to wake up at 5 and now that school has started, well, I've taken a few more liberties by way of hours allotted for sleep. 

Yes, classes have started again and the anticipation of my december graduation makes the dread of class work a little more bearable. I've found that I've quite gotten better at the whole psychology thing, to some extent at any rate and have found that the information on how people work has aided in my quest to know others more personally. 

Today is my last day of the school week and I'm quite thankful for that for several reasons. The first being that I don't have a working vehicle this week and it has been less than wonderful being that I have been confined to my house on the days I'm not headed to campus with my roommates. With the heat and the distance, it wasn't worth trekking to campus simply for extroverted interactions. 

The second reason I am thankful is because the rumors of a gathering of kohl siblings have been flying the last week and tomorrow I shall make the delightful trip back to storm lake with Pearl and we shall, stop off in Ames to collect a brother or two. And then we shall be home!! Sleeping in what ever bed or floor is available (ill probably be put up with Eva and rose as that's usually what happens) . More than likely I will wake up Saturday morning to find that the little ones have cooked us all breakfast and then I shall start a large vat of coffee on the stove. The siblings will sit on chairs in the kitchen not necessarily around the table and wait on the coffee, which we shall serve to each other as the ones we prepare for ourselves get spoken for before we have a chance to bring it to our mouths.

Mom will want to show us her new projects at home and my dad will drag me outside to show me the

 new car I will have and catch me up on all the new car quirks 
I will take on this semester. 
We will take our coffees to the living room and pile all over one another as we interview Ken on his freshman college experience thus far and listen to him and kit tell stories of shenanigans. Kyle will keep popping in to ask someone to verse him in air hockey or fooseball and Pearl will be kind enough to accept. Grace will ask her where she is going and Pearl will respond, "I told  Kyle I'd play a game with him" and kolby will follow both of them to the porch. Eva will invite me to paint with her and Rose will be plotting some baking project. 

Mom will pop in right in the middle of a story and insist the story be starts over so she can know what's so funny. Then dad will come back and take all the boys with muscles to go chop wood and he'll want all of us girls to pick tomatoes and such business as that. We'll probably all insists that it's too hot to go chop wood and pick tomatoes out of the greenhouse at this time of day, plus it'd be too much effort to untangle ourselves from our pile of cuddling at that moment anyways. He'll accept our agreement to do it a little later and then will sit down at the computer
 and start a game of Age of Empires or that card game that's on there. Mom won't notice at first but then she'll say for him to get off. 

And that's basically how it will go. Coffee, cuddling, and story telling. When it gets to be dark outside, Grace will suggest a movie or a game of Dominion. If the boys aren't engrossed in a 4-way Age of Empires game with themselves and Dad, they will accept and we all will join in. Pearl will sit at the table with her book and Grace will beg her to play with us and if she accepts, she will cheat and chuckle to herself. If she doesn't play, she'll sit with her book and occasionally comment on things. Kyle will see that she's the only one not preoccupied with the game and will ask for another game of air hockey. She'll hesitate some but she'll agree eventually. 

Mom will come in around 9 and inform us all that there is church in the morning and that the little kids need to go to bed. We'll all respond that we know about 

church and that if she lets us keep the kids up a little longer 
we'll be in charge of putting them to bed. She'll agree and some time after 10 we'll send them upstairs and hope they can put themselves to bed. Eva, as a 13 year old, has joined the ranks well enough to stay up with us as late as she wants, as long as she agrees not to be grouchy in the morning. 

And that is how it will go. It will be wonderful :) until then, my book bag us packed and I'm ready to spend my whole day on campus and then worship at salt company tonight! It shall be great!!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the peek into your family life. Enjoy your time with the fam :)
