Thursday, August 8, 2013

You'll Sleep When You're Dead

Perhaps I am a little pathetic, but it's 10:15pm and I'm hoping to be sleeping soundly soon. I've had to be at work at 6:30am all week which is a quite the challenge whilst still catching up on sleep from last week. 

I appreciate the many prayers that have come my way. The Lord has been incredibly faithful. My sister is lending me her car whilst my poor van gets fixed and my work schedule  doesn't require much children transporting this week. I suppose I'll have to work something out for piano lessons tomorrow :/.



The above was drafted shortly before falling asleep last night. Originally I'd planned to go to bed at 6pm. Although I did get as far as tucking myself under the covers and shutting my eyes, I was soon awakened by a lovely call from my sister saying we could borrow her pool and eat her chocolates whilst she was gone for churchy things. Not being ones to pass up an opportunity for adventure or relaxation, my roommate and I dressed and went and enjoyed a quiet evening being the only ones in the pool.

By 8:30 we were returned to our home and in our PJs and more ready for sleep than I had been at 6. However, my roommate was watching Pocahontas and I'd never seen it before and thus stayed awake til 10pm. Which was lovely, actually. My sister stopped in for tea and internet usage and it was quite a delight, even though she couldn't stay long.

Here I am again, 6something in the morning, with only today and tomorrow left before Saturday. Eee! I have no plans this weekend other than an epic morning of sleeping in on Saturday.

These last few mornings I've had some really great times talking to Jesus. Monday, as you know, was quite rough and I've been quite in need of the joy of the Lord this week and thus my time spent with Him has been pure delight.

I realized that I have quite a lot of things for which I am very thankful and only can attribute to the Lord and His faithfulness. Joy. I have much joy. This summer has been absolutely FULL of joy and friends and great memories and laughter until my sides have ached and tears streamed down my face.
I'm thankful that at this moment in my life, I'm not broken. I'm not in despair and I'm not in a pit.

I've been blessed by my family and my brothers and sisters in Christ. There have been so many interactions of encouragement this summer and I feel so very loved by God in all of them. The Lord loves me, that I know well.

I have been blessed by work.The other day whilst my exhaustion was starting to overtake me, one of my kids went and retrieved his pillow and his blanket and offered me to take a nap if I should like. He then volunteered himself for a nap on the other couch and soon after, all the childrens were resting quietly in the living room. While we were still settling in, I asked them, "you guys wanna hear a really cool story about God??" I was really excited because I'd gone over it that morning before they woke up. It was the story of Elijah and God speaking to him through a gentle whisper. They all enjoyed it so much and the story became so exciting that I ended up reading 8 or 9 chapters of the Bible to them. What a joy! I loved all of it.

I'm blessed that my trials of life in the last several months haven't been much more than hard unkind words and vehicle troubles. I think I have a fear of the future in that it was fall semester of last year that deepest of wounds were gouged into my heart and filled with lemon juice and salt. It's been 9 months now, but I think I'm still recovering. Yes, I do think I am whole, but I'm not about to willingly enter into a place where I may be broken again.

But the Lord is beautiful! That is, when you're not trying to control Him. He really is much like an untamed mountain or wild Lion. He is beautiful to see and gloriously protective and caring. But one must be careful. He cannot be capture or charmed or willed into anything He does not wish. He is like the ocean that churns and comes in and out as it pleases. Don't go against it. Alls that will get you is exhausted and ship wrecked. Alls you can do is go along with it and respect the power and strength in the waves without trying to hold back the tide.He is glorious. Beyond words and imagination. And He is wonderful. And BEST of all, I belong to Him and I belong perfectly in His arms.

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