"And the Peace that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts"
I don't usually start typing up blogs at 11pm. Usually, a blog comes 2 hours into a 4 hour sit-down with the Lord. But, I attended Salt Company tonight, so that kind of counts. I love time with Jesus in any form! And time I get to interact with humans brings me to life in a major way.
Oh how I love people!! Words do not even express how much I enjoy human interactions.
But, peace. I love knowing the Lord and having a peace that goes beyond all comprehension continuously guarding my heart from disappointment or Satan's lies. Seriously. It makes all functions involving humans reallllly great. :)
I'll let you in on a special secret about me...which isn't secret since I've probably said this in my blog before, but one of my life hopes is to some day be married and have a family. And it's a surrendered hope, obviously, because the Lord will do what He does and ultimately whatever happens will be the most fruit-producing, joyful harvest whether I expected it or not.
I think some people worry that it might not be the Lord's will that they get married. And they panic a little and are like, "Oh no! What if it's not God's will?? Is it wrong for me to desire to be married when it's not God's will!?" Aye yi yi.. calm down, Sparky. I mean... the thought has crossed my mind too, though. Okay, so 22 isn't old yet. I'm very content and happy to be 22 and single. Heck, I'm living a wild dream of a life. I'm quite thankful that I have yet to be found by my future husband seeing as I am rather too in love with a fast-paced social life to settle into wife-hood just yet. And I'm not saying being a wife means you can't have a face-paced social life... I'm just thinking that I'll probably end up with an introvert who would rather I not have 20 people over for supper with 20minutes of warning multiple nights a week.
What's this got to do with anything? Well, honestly, it takes all pressure off of everything. A lot of people feel the pressure to be impressive and looking their best when they go out places, "just in case they meet The One." And, as a Jesus-loving single person surrounded by a whole room full of Jesus-loving peers... I mean.. ermergersh..what if HE is herrrrre!??
Here's what I love about Jesus. He's my future husband. He's my everything and my always. And His plan has thus far proved to be perfect and wonderful and amazing beyond words. And His timing is beyond perfection.
Basically, I'm not waiting for a future husband. I'm living. I mean, obvs I'm saving myself for my future husband... but I'm having a heck of a great time loving Jesus in the mean time. The adventure of loving God waits for no man. They are always! Always life is an adventure!! And I will enjoy my adventures with all the many friend blessings the Lord has placed in my life. And some day all my adventures will include my man-husband. When the Lord times it just so. When some man out there surrenders His heart well enough to the Lord to be worthy of all the many details Jesus has spent hours and days and years putting together on His workbench. ;)
But for now, the peace the goes beyond understanding makes it really great to interact with all my peoples because the only body I wanna impress is my Jesus. And I can love people without feeling like I have to be impressive. Because Jesus. *sigh* Can we all just love Jesus? I mean, He's so great. Everyone should know Him.
Basically, yeah.
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