Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Happy Heart

Yesterday was rather humid and I didn't monitor my hydration as well as I should have. By the time my head hit the pillow a little after 11, my head felt a little like I'd been hit by a truck.  It was probably a combination of not having any coffee and not really drinking any water. :/ It's amazing how much that can affect you. 

Same with drinking in God's word. I'm a little behind in my reading plan... all the laws and feast prep business in beginning books of the old testament are a bit like trying to run through a snow drift, not very easy, not very fast. 

However, all the people who think there's nothing to get out of Leviticus or those books, you're missing out if you don't read them. It's a glorious thing how just getting in the word changes your heart a little. It changes how things taste to you anyhow. Like, music your listen to or websites you like to visit. Not that I've been particularly inclined to listen to really vulgar music or visit inappropriate websites, but the secular world just isn't as appealing, yknow? Kinda like when you decided to go from eating processed foods to natural foods and somehow, the chemicals and preservatives taste awful and unappealing. 

I like that. 

I feel like I'm on a treasure hunt, actually, with my quest to get to know the Lord a little better. Like maybe the reason we read about all the wells being dug in the old testament is to illustrate that our intentional seeking after the Lord is a bit like digging a well. It make take a little bit before you've progressed to being able to just drink your whole fill but if you dig deep enough, the water will be there and you will have a wellspring. 

My life has been full of adventure, lately! From renaissance fairs to tea parties, thunderstorms, coffee drinking, late nights, pancake parties, time in the word, workin' out.... It's been a glorious first couple weeks of summer. It's taken me quite a bit to convince myself that I have nothing more to stress about on account the papers and exams and research projects and deadlines are all behind me. Only recently have I been able to sleep past 6am or sleep through the whole night for that matter. What a blessing. :)

I think, though, I'm getting a little antsy for ministry. My top two love languages are service and affirmation and I think not having that many opportunities to serve or encourage others it making me feel a little helpless and burden-like. Last night my roommate and I had some friends over for supper on account one of them is going to China for the summer. It was so wonderful! Having people over makes my heart happy. 

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