I am excited to be away from this city. I'm excited to have my eyes opened in a new way.
I am excited to be surrounded by champion warriors of the faith who have made this trip multiple times already.
Since being in college the BIGEST thing I've missed by far has been men and women older than 35 who have been walking with the Lord faithfully for a long time. I know the lord has placed me among peers for this short time and it's all in His perfect plan, but there is something about someone who has gone before you and has experience and wisdom under their belt to encourage you along.

That is not to say I haven't been blessed by the women who are in there 20s and 30s who have poured into me. I have been BEYOND blessed. :) Jesus is all about the blessings.
My roommate and I were talking earlier today at how amazing it is that one could be in a whole different country in a matter of hours with how accessible the world is today.
Being a believer makes it even MORE accessible. There was never a point when I worried over the finances of this trip. The Lord is all about providing where there is a need. Now, if I were to take a personal trip to Europe someday.. I would be pinching pennies and planning ever so carefully how I would make ends meet in the meantime.
With this, there was never a wonder at how I would be able to afford a trip. Saying "yes" to the invitation to go was all it took and then my wonderful family and friends said "yes" to joining me on the adventure and that's all it was. Simple acts of obedience on everyone's side and there will be people saying "yes" to Jesus in a whole other country in just a couple days.
"yes yes yes!" I suppose it's a little like a proposal. Christ gets down on his knee and asks if we'll be obedient to His calling. We either say, "yes" or we walk away. Well, yes! A thousand times, yes, Jesus! I will go.
And it will be hard. And I shall probably cry a little. But it will be, in all things, wonderful. Every heart stretch, every dirt stain, every smell encountered, every bug bite, every sunburn... all of it. Jesus will be there and so I shall have joy.
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