For example, last night I did my first shift at the coffee shop where I'm volunteering and there were a lot of moments where I thought of various things that might bring a smile to one's face if one read it. One of the things was, "You know it's an awkward first date when the girl isn't talking and the guy no longer finds entertainment in staring at the walls and has now reverted to admiring the ceiling." Like I said, I had several similar moments and it provided myself some entertainment as we had an hour or two without any customers.
Right, so, coffee shop! I've always wanted to work in a coffee shop. It smells delightful, it has a warm atmosphere, you get to see people, they're cute, they're quaint, and there is an air of sophistication when one studies or reads in a coffee shop on a rainy day. When I was studying elementary education I always told my mom it would be nice to have a coffee shop as my fall back. But everyone knows, if you're in college and you have the choice of dream vs. career, you pick career because it gets you more $ and hopefully helps to pay off your education to get there.
To my absolute delight, I found out that social workers run coffee shops. Working in a coffee shop is a brand of social work. AHhhhhh!!! That's pretty neat.
So, yeah, I have to volunteer 45 hours for my social work class and it just so happens there's a coffee shop on campus (in the department of social work) that takes volunteers. I work the 5-9 shift on Thursdays. The only difficult thing with that is smelling coffee for 4 hours straight really makes me miss drinking it. Its been 34 days since my last cup of coffee. This is the longest amount of time I've gone without coffee since I was 16 years old. I'm just counting down the days until I can welcome it's richness and glory back into my life. Just 42 or so more. :/ This is so difficult. My senior year in highschool there was a fellow student in my government class who bet my $15 I couldn't go three days without coffee. I suffered through a miserable weekend of no coffee just to spite him (and get $15). 3 days seems like a walk in the park now...
I feel like a recovering alcoholic in a liquor store. I have a coupon for a free cup of coffee in my backpack, and I work the closing shift and they let us take the leftovers home. :/ The temptation is strong.
Must. Resist.
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