Friday, February 17, 2012

Miscellaneous Me

Well, I've been quite the Eeyore the last few weeks and it hasn't been very fun. But! God has never ceased working in my life and he's doing beautiful things and I'm thankful for his faithfulness and strength when I pass through the deeper valleys. 

I think part of my gloominess has come from the consistent cloud cover the last few weeks as well.. one of my pastors described it as feeling like he was walking around in communist dominated Berlin during WWII. Depressing. BUT! It was funny because the other day I was talking to Jesus and told him that it would be really nice to have the sun come out so my little Valentines Day rose could bloom and it has! The last two days it's been delightfully sunny and I have opened the curtains in my room and let the sunshine take over. I can't even begin to describe how lovely it is! And my little flower loves it!

It's a very delightful little rose :)

See?? Look how happy it is sitt'n in the window! :) It just makes me smile.
*Sigh* I love flowers. They always just make me really happy. :) Some day I hope to have a garden full of different kinds of flowers. AND an apple tree if I can manage. I love apples and apple blossoms are my very favorite flower by far! I'm just so excited for spring! All this warm weather makes it difficult to be patient and thankful when the weather gets cold again. 

Another thing random about me is that I had coffee today! Eeee! But.. there is a preface. Since being on this health kick lately, I've avoided all caffein like crazy and have not touched coffee for over a month. If you know me at all you probs know that I can easily drink a whole pot of coffee in one day (maybe one sitting) and not be terribly affected by it.. this is not terribly healthy at all. But I've been hopelessly addicted to this elixir of life since I was 16 years old and it has brought many a smile and good time since entering my life. 

The bummer thing is, I have existed these past 20 years with only one functioning kidney. Most people have two (count your blessings!) and thus don't have to worry *too* much about coffee consumption and such, but as I have had such terrible hydration habits the last number of years it's been good to give my poor little kidney a rest the last month and a half. I've also been drinking lots and lots of water to help it out. Annnyways, since I work in a coffee shop on Thursday nights.. I get free coffee. Specifically, free chocolate caramel nut coffee. *siiiiiigh* I brought about 16 oz of it home with me last night and considered freezing it away until my stomach has healed a little more but this morning I decided frozen/thawed coffee probs wouldn't taste very good, and the more I smelled it, the more tempting it was. 
And so! I dumped most of it out. I kept about 4 oz of it and made sure to drink 2 full glasses of water before drinking it. Normally I could drink 4 oz in about 30 seconds, but I actually made it last 30 minutes and then drank 4 more glasses of water after. :) Go me! 
Oh my goodness was I attentive in class! I took page after page of notes, my eyes were buggin the whole time and I comprehended a great deal of the material. 
And then I took a quiz and improved on my other quizes by 30%. Woot! 

Another thing in my life are vitamins and breakfast. I haven't always been careful to eat breakfast before class and I for sure never took any vitamins. But! My health has greatly improved since both additions into my life and I quite recommend both if one does not yet partake in them. Also! Apples make  a GREAT breakfast! On the days I don't have time to cook breakfast (most days) I eat two apples or a bowl of  applesauce. So good! : ) 

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