I've drafted a lot of deep thoughtsy, heart felt blogs lately...but I haven't edited them well enough for them to go public. Someday!!
I've had busy summers before....full summers...but this one. This one was the kind where living in the moment mattered the most and Internet was only visited sometimes. Of course it's still summer...but the cousins have left, I'm all moved away from my friends, and I'm down to the last few days with my brother, Ken, before he returns to his life in Ames.
So what have I been doing? Everything. My cousins from Florida were here for a good part of the summer and that was a huge blessing since they have done the deepest life stuff with me since we were little. So crying and laughing were in abundance....mostly laughing and it's been a little rough to transition to the monotonous life of scarce human interaction and no laughing.
I was all over the place in July. Finishing up life in Iowa City, coming to Storm Lake, traveling to South Dakota, MN, and Wisconsin...jam packed full with family and friends and laughter and emotion.
Good emotion.
Now I am numb. Kinda. Idk...I need to find a church with some humans. I've been fairly resolved to not making any friends, but my siblings keep asking why I never talk. My heart is a little numb I think.
I'm driving for dad, like I said. Yesterday we traveled to 4 different farms close to the border of South Dakota. My sweet sister Eva rode along to keep me company....what a doll! Giving up her day just to keep my extroverted heart from dying, upon arriving home I thought about heading up to my room for a nap, which is far away from humans if you need an escape. But, thinking better of that idea, I fell asleep on the couch and awoke two hours later to find my brother, Ken, had arrived home from taking our cousin to the airport and had fallen asleep on the couch as well and was using my feet for his pillow. (It's a big couch). The other siblings were watching Dr. Who and it happened to be my favorite Matt smith episode. It was rather pleasant to wake up to all the humans in the same room as me. And the evening was perfect.
I got to mow the lawn! Some humans hate that job, I know, but we have a large yard and a push mower. Which, is pleasant for me because it is something to do whilst being outside. And smelling like grass clippings and gasoline is a little bit comforting as well. When I was finished, kolby and I unloaded the grass clippings from the wagon and spread them in the garden. I liked that.
The baby goats are quite tame now. You can call them by name and the bound up to you and follow you around, I love running with them. They jump all over the place and crash into eachother.
As the sunset, Kyle coaxed me into a quick game of baseball. I didnt think it was a good idea since I'm prone to injuring myself...but Kyle is also an extrovert and so I do what I can. I was the pitcher, and the yard was our diamond. The gas tank was first base, the soccer ball was second. Third base was the cat, (if it didnt move) and home was where you started. It was going really great until Kyle batted it right back into my hip and got a home run, Ken hit it into the ditch (which we hadn't mowed) and that finished the game on account it was too dark to see anything anymore.
Eva, kolby, and I had a little fire on the edge of the South Garden. It was good for about 30 minutes...but none of us could find anything to talk about, so we returned to the house to clean up.
Then, I read the news, watched a movie with Ken, went to bed...and now I'm doing life at the office.
They gave me my own little room...an un used office space that seems to be a storage room.
I can hear dad in a meeting with someone talking about flow speed in field tiles. He's using math terms and talking about costs, and pumps and water levels....to me that is incredibly boring, nothing of that conversation sounds interesting at all. Who knew it costs 50 cents per acre inch to move the water in the tile pipes? Not me. Why would you request a seminar on that? I don't know.
But that is my life now. I'm reading up on biblical counseling stuff in the meantime and hope to go through a class with my mom soon. That'll be something. :)
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