Thursday, February 6, 2014

And Let the Valentines Posts Commence..

Such an odd place of life right now. I go into every week not knowing what it will entail, how many hours I'll be given, or what sort of income I will manage. The Lord is faithful, though, and He provides faithfully. Somehow, I manage to stay kind of busy and bring in enough to keep my head above water.

I could be in this same situation living back at home and it would look much, much different. I'd be getting quality time in with my mom and siblings and I'd have access to supplies to any project I could wish to take on..sewing, woodworking, baking, cooking... endless possibilities. But here, I am oft left to my own devices, which gives more motivation to scrounge up more hours. 

My ideal is to work 50ish hours a week, I think. Certainly more than 40. I like working. I like to have my schedule filled and I like to come home exhausted and feeling accomplished. *sigh* For now I will keep searching/applying, and waiting for the Lord. 

I woke up sick today. Quite sick. Well, I went to bed sick and didn't end up sleeping until 3am and even that was miserable. I CHOSE to eat oatmeal for breakfast. ME! Oatmeal. Yes.. there is something wrong with me. 

In the meantime, it is February. How about that?? A month known mostly for Valentines Day... the day that falls in the middle and is all about love and romance and chocolates and roses! Some people hate it, some people love it, some people complain all about how it just makes them feel so lonely and single. 

To be honest, it is really enjoyable if you look at it with the proper eyes. On my instagram the other day, I decided to brag a little about my little brother, adopted from China. One of my most favorite things about him is that he loves well and complains little. Seriously, at 10 years old the kid is ages more mature in how he treats others. 

He inspires me. He serves. All the time he serves. And he doesn't complain. Not when he's sick, not when he's tired, not when he's had surgery. He is gentle and quiet. A silent servant who asks for nothing in return. He delights in feeding the hungry...which currently looks like taking his home-made breakfasts to his poor college siblings in their beds when they come home for visits. 
He is protective of those he loves, particularly of little Kyle, who is so easily teased. 

Thinking of 1 Cor. 13, Kolby is basically the living version of love. Perhaps because he understands being adopted into God's family better than any of the rest of us, but he just loves so well. 

I admire him, really. I want to be as loving as him and complain as little as him. 

What bothers me a lot about Valentines Day is that people seem to take it as a cue to complain about being single. Don't do that. Take it as a cue to love other around you and to love them well. Love them with acts of service or words of affirmation. With cards and flowers and reminders of what they mean to you. Love them with God's love and be thankful you know them. 

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