I am accepted, I am God's child.
This phrase has been so ingrained in my mind since I was in 8th grade when my mom first started making me memorize Dr. Neil Anderson's list of identity in Christ verses.
By the time I graduated high school I had the whole list of over 80 Bible verses memorized with their references and captions.
Everyday for three months I would spend a couple hours of my day reciting the list over and over so I would have it down pact by the time I had to recite it to my mom without error.
"I am accepted, I am God's Child.." I didn't really think of the importance of this at the time seeing as I was just memorizing it so I could graduate high school, but, it has been most beneficial since then.
It's really wonderful because it's something that God brings to mind when you most need to hear it.
I've been hearing it a lot lately and it's been a great constant reminder to me of my true identity.
I wish I had deeper thoughts to share, but that's basically what's been going through my mind recently.
Other than that, I'm super thankful for the weather. It's been in the 60s the last few days, which is so incredibly rare for Janurary... I imagine that the occupiers camped out in College Green Park have been praying or something to that affect. Either way, I'm not complaining. I love it a lot!
Today is tuesday. My roughest, difficultest day of the week. I don't have much of a break between classes, and I'm in class from 11:30 til 4:45 on Tuesdays and so the weather was a nice pick me up.
I even got out of class at 4:20 something and walked home in it. It was just so good!
Also! my health is starting to improve a little. I miss being able to eat bread though. I truly hope someday (soon) I will be able to consume gluten with out a worry. Especially since today my lunch consisted of an apple and some mixed raisins and peanuts. Unfortunately, I had far too many peanuts to raisins and so my enjoyment of that was not what I was expecting. No matter, though! I rather enjoyed my apple quite a bit.
I also really enjoy my biology professor. He's retiring at the end of the semester and I find him to be rather hilarious. He's rather old, (70s I think) and he wears large black glasses that have tape on them and the thick glass lenses have been known to pop out during lecture. Today he was explaining something about cell and rather excitedly waved his hands above his head. In doing this he knocked his glasses askew on his face. He then began to clutch his heart saying, "oh no! What's happening?? What's happening??" He then fixed his glasses, clutched his heart once more and said, "Oh my, oh man, I thought I was on an acid trip there for a second.. oh thank goodness." And then continued on in lecture.
He also laughs at his own jokes a lot which I think is really funny. : ) As much as I don't understand biology very well, I kind of love the class because of the prof.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
New Mercies
After an incredibly difficult weekend with more crying than I expected, I'm feeling most refreshed.
As there was not much sleeping to be done over the weekend, today after class I allowed myself to crawl back into my bed and recover a little bit. 3 1/2 incredible hours later, I woke up to find it was delightfully warm outside and the sun was shining and a walk with a dear friend to look forward to.
I just love Jesus. I love how he is quick to bring healing and quick to send joy and quick to forgive. I love how he comforts and sends encouragement at all the perfect times.
As there was not much sleeping to be done over the weekend, today after class I allowed myself to crawl back into my bed and recover a little bit. 3 1/2 incredible hours later, I woke up to find it was delightfully warm outside and the sun was shining and a walk with a dear friend to look forward to.
I just love Jesus. I love how he is quick to bring healing and quick to send joy and quick to forgive. I love how he comforts and sends encouragement at all the perfect times.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Are You Happy?
“All men seek happiness, This is without exception. Whatever different means they employ, they all tend to this end. The cause of some going to war, and of others avoiding it, is the same desire in both, attended with different views. The will never takes the least step but to this object. This is the motive of every action of every man, even of those who hang themselves.” – Blaise Pascal
I was introduced to the above quote tonight at the college ministry I attend. It's quite deep and I'm still attempting to process it. It's true. I myself am constantly seeking joy. I want to always be joyful, to be filled and overflowing with joy.... or am I?
I remember someone saying that the difference between joy and happiness was that happiness was circumstantial while joy was something we always have access to through Jesus, no matter what is going on in our lives. So then the question is, what is motivating my actions? And do my actions reflect my seeking joy or my seeking happiness?
All men seek happiness and it's really only truly found in God. This quote about happiness being the primary motivation is kind of a huuuge wake up call. If I'm being honest, a lot of the time, I don't seek God for my happiness. If happiness is the motivation behind my every action, I find my happiness in all the wrong places.
I had to think.. what exactly do I do with my free time?
-Dinner with friends
-Listen to music
-Spend time with people
-Chat with my roommate.
-Check email
-Go to my sister's house..
And if I have time... (What!?)
-Read my bible
-Journal and pray
All of these things bring happiness in some form, right? I mean.. otherwise I wouldn't do them. I find how I spend most of my free time to be disturbing.
I think I would like to take this idea of being happy a little further and ask, "Are you satisfied?"
Because, if you think about it, if we are not satisfied, are we really truly happy?
It's difficult to be happy when there is longing for something more or if there is some un-fulfillment in our lives lingering in the background or looming over head. In the past week and a half, I have found myself to be unsatisfied.
Facebook is boring to me, I don't have any new emails, Homework is not that exciting, texting is sporadic etc. I've been longing for something more.
God created us so beautifully with a longing to be with Him. He is the only one or thing who will make us happy, the only thing that will satisfy.
In my quest to find out what about God is so satisfying about Jesus, I found this quote by Charles Spurgeon that I think says it all.
I was introduced to the above quote tonight at the college ministry I attend. It's quite deep and I'm still attempting to process it. It's true. I myself am constantly seeking joy. I want to always be joyful, to be filled and overflowing with joy.... or am I?
I remember someone saying that the difference between joy and happiness was that happiness was circumstantial while joy was something we always have access to through Jesus, no matter what is going on in our lives. So then the question is, what is motivating my actions? And do my actions reflect my seeking joy or my seeking happiness?
Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
I had to think.. what exactly do I do with my free time?
-Dinner with friends
-Listen to music
-Spend time with people
-Chat with my roommate.
-Check email
-Go to my sister's house..
And if I have time... (What!?)
-Read my bible
-Journal and pray
All of these things bring happiness in some form, right? I mean.. otherwise I wouldn't do them. I find how I spend most of my free time to be disturbing.
I think I would like to take this idea of being happy a little further and ask, "Are you satisfied?"
Because, if you think about it, if we are not satisfied, are we really truly happy?
It's difficult to be happy when there is longing for something more or if there is some un-fulfillment in our lives lingering in the background or looming over head. In the past week and a half, I have found myself to be unsatisfied.
Facebook is boring to me, I don't have any new emails, Homework is not that exciting, texting is sporadic etc. I've been longing for something more.
God created us so beautifully with a longing to be with Him. He is the only one or thing who will make us happy, the only thing that will satisfy.
In my quest to find out what about God is so satisfying about Jesus, I found this quote by Charles Spurgeon that I think says it all.
"When Jesus is the host, no guest goes empty from the table. Our head is satisfied with the precious truth which Christ reveals; our heart is content with Jesus, as the altogether lovely object of affection; our hope is satisfied, for whom have we in heaven but Jesus? and our desire is satiated, for what can we wish for more than to know Christ and to be found in him. Jesus fills our conscience till it is at perfect peace; our judgment with persuasion of the certainty of his teachings; our memory with recollections of what he has done, and our imagination with the prospects of what he is yet to do." -Charles Spurgeon
“For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, and the hungry soul He has filled with what is good.” (Ps. 107:9)
Monday, January 23, 2012
A little bit of Life
I've reached a little bit of a writer's block in that I haven't had any inspiring thoughts or deep ponderments of late.. but I don't want this blog to get boring either. :)
So my life.. Classes started a week ago tuesday and they are going quite well. There's only one or two that I foresee as difficult, and I say difficult because it will be difficult for me to stay awake and/or focused in them as the teacher's monotone voice drones on while the powerpoint slide stays the same for 20 minutes. I'm rather terrible at focusing during lectures sometimes. I haven't had to sit in a lecture hall with 100 other students since freshman year and so it's a bit of a challenge to get used to that again.
I've rather trained myself to fall asleep to monotone voices. At home, when my siblings and I want to take an afternoon nap, we watch Planet Earth documentaries and fall fast asleep. (Last time I was home we watched a documentary on China... I was out 15 minutes in. ) So.. lectures will be a fun challenge.
Oh! And another thing about me is that I'm attempting to fix some health problems by avoiding gluten, starch, sugar, and lactose for a few months. When I was 15 yrs. old I had a bad case of food poisoning that landed me in the ER with IVs and blood tests and other such nasty needle business. Since then I've had various stomach issues with mild lactose intolerance, stomach ulcers, upset stomach.. etc. Apparently that's not normal and (hopefully) can be fixed. Woohoo! It's been a little bit of an adventure finding things that are okay to eat while my intestines repair themselves.
So my life.. Classes started a week ago tuesday and they are going quite well. There's only one or two that I foresee as difficult, and I say difficult because it will be difficult for me to stay awake and/or focused in them as the teacher's monotone voice drones on while the powerpoint slide stays the same for 20 minutes. I'm rather terrible at focusing during lectures sometimes. I haven't had to sit in a lecture hall with 100 other students since freshman year and so it's a bit of a challenge to get used to that again.
I've rather trained myself to fall asleep to monotone voices. At home, when my siblings and I want to take an afternoon nap, we watch Planet Earth documentaries and fall fast asleep. (Last time I was home we watched a documentary on China... I was out 15 minutes in. ) So.. lectures will be a fun challenge.
Oh! And another thing about me is that I'm attempting to fix some health problems by avoiding gluten, starch, sugar, and lactose for a few months. When I was 15 yrs. old I had a bad case of food poisoning that landed me in the ER with IVs and blood tests and other such nasty needle business. Since then I've had various stomach issues with mild lactose intolerance, stomach ulcers, upset stomach.. etc. Apparently that's not normal and (hopefully) can be fixed. Woohoo! It's been a little bit of an adventure finding things that are okay to eat while my intestines repair themselves.
Apples and Peanut butter = BEST. SNACK. EVER! |
One of my most favorite discoveries has been all-natural peanut butter. :) I have never much been a fan of peanut butter. I ate it on occasion and didn't mind it with chocolate, but, it had a very sticky texture that I didn't much care for. Then! My mom brought me home this piece of heaven that doesn't have any sugar or honey or anything added to it. Since discovering it 16 days ago, I have managed to consume 4 jars of it. I eat it with apples. I LOVE apples. My most favorite snack I'd say. I've eaten so many apples the last couple weeks, I don't think the doctor could get close to me if he tried. Teehee.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Random January thoughts
Since everyone posts all their accomplishments and proud moments (and sometimes not proud moments) on Facebook for everyone to see and "like" and comment on... I decided not to put this on Facebook. But! I am very proud of this. While I was home on break, Young Mr. Kolby needed a hair cut. Usually Pearl does all the boys' hair around our house but as it was, Kolby didn't want Pearl to cut his hair when she was home and it was rather long and quite curly.
I've cut my other brothers' hair before and their hair is not curly and so I found that there is a little more challenge in cutting curly hair because it does not cooperate very well. Even MORE skill is required in cutting hair for a 7 year old boy because HE does not cooperate either.. well.. he was pretty good.. just squirmy and impatient.
Along with the fact that I attempted to give some hair cuts over the summer and they weren't as awesome as Pearl's haircuts. But, to my very pleasant surprise, Kolby trusted me to cut his hair. :) YAY! So, after I took about 3 or 4 inches off of his head.. he was free to go :) I think he said he liked his haircut too.
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Before After |
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
My Winter Break
"I have the strangest feeling you shouldn't touch that" |
Scraped and spackled. |
I'm good at fixing rot. Call me the Rotmeister. No, I'm the Doctor, don't call me the Rotmeister. |
Ken, Pearl, Kurt |
Grace and Kit |
Pearl and Kurt |
Eva and Ken |
:) I love my siblings! |
Mom made us these sweet aprons for Christmas. :) |
So, one of the things we did with all ten of us being home was played hide-and-go-seek in the dark after mom and dad had gone to sleep. One of my siblings had the idea to break glow-sticks open into a jar... and apparently flick glow-stick juice all over the kitchen floor. There were several of us sporting the glowing magic on our skin and clothing until my oldest sister who works as a Chemist intervened and stated the danger of the chemicals on our skin and made us all wash it off and clean it up.
Rave party anyone? |
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Football cheater. |
Kolby and Kyle celebrated their victory after winning the football game via tackling me for every play and/or changing what side of the yard they had to run to to get a touch down.
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